Mission : At the Denobili CFRI Alumni Association, our mission is to create a thriving and interconnected community of graduates who are committed to supporting one another and our alma mater. We aim to facilitate meaningful connections, foster personal and professional growth, and contribute to the advancement of education and knowledge.

Vision : Our vision is to build a dynamic global network of Denobili CFRI alumni who are leaders, innovators, and agents of positive change in their respective fields. We envision an association that serves as a catalyst for lifelong learning, collaboration, and philanthropy, leaving a lasting impact on society and upholding the values of our esteemed institution.

The Denobili CFRI Alumni Association is a vibrant and inclusive community that brings together graduates from various generations, disciplines, and walks of life. We are united by our shared experiences at Denobili CFRI and a common commitment to excellence, integrity, and progress.

Through a diverse range of events, programs, and initiatives, we provide opportunities for networking, mentorship, and continuous learning. Our association strives to create an environment where members can exchange knowledge, explore new horizons, and contribute to the betterment of our alma mater and society at large.